Legislation: 14th National People’s Congress

Last updated: April 16, 2024

  • This page is based on the 14th NPC Standing Committee’s five-year legislative plan (analyzed here).
  • The tables below include—
    • all numbered Category I and Category II projects;
    • any Category III project that has been submitted for review; and
    • any other important bill approved by the 14th NPC or its Standing Committee, including all bills passed after two or more reviews (“unlisted projects”).
  • These legislative projects are placed in two groups: “new laws” and “amendments & revisions.” Within each group, Categories I, II, and III, as well as unlisted projects form separate subgroups.
  • Within each subgroup, completed projects (🟢) are listed first, followed by pending projects (🟠). Projects on which State Council agencies have conducted public consultations are each marked with a blue circle (🔵).

New Laws

Category I Projects

🟢Qinghai–Tibet Plateau Ecological Conservation Law青藏高原生态保护法
🟢Barrier-Free Environments Development Law无障碍环境建设法
🟢Foreign Relations Law对外关系法
🟢Foreign State Immunity Law外国国家豁免法
🟢Patriotic Education Law爱国主义教育法
🟢Law on Ensuring Food Security粮食安全保障法
🟠Emergency Response and Management Law突发事件应对管理法
🟠Value-Added Tax Law增值税法
🟠Civil Compulsory Enforcement Law民事强制执行法
🟠Rural Collective Economic Organizations Law农村集体经济组织法
🟠Financial Stability Law金融稳定法
🟠Preschool Education Law学前教育法
🟠Academic Degrees Law学位法
🟠Tariff Law关税法
🟠Energy Law能源法
🟠Atomic Energy Law原子能法
 Law on National Development Plans国家发展规划法
 State-Owned Assets Law国有资产法
🔵Real Property Registration Law不动产登记法
🔵Farmland Protection Law耕地保护法
 Procuratorial Public Interest Litigation Law检察公益诉讼法
 Public Interest Litigation Law公益诉讼法
 Law on Countering Transnational Corruption反跨境腐败法
 Law on Publicity and Education on the Rule of Law法治宣传教育法
 Volunteer Service Law志愿服务法
🔵Social Assistance Law社会救助法
 Pharmacists Law药师法
Public Health Emergency Response Law突发公共卫生事件应对法
 Territorial Spatial Planning Law国土空间规划法
🔵National Parks Law国家公园法
 Natural Protected Areas Law自然保护地法
 National Fire and Rescue Personnel Law国家消防救援人员法
🔵Hazardous Chemicals Safety Law危险化学品安全法

Category II Projects

 Telecommunications Law电信法
 Radio Spectrum Resources Law无线电频谱资源法
 Transportation Law交通运输法
 Space Law航天法
 Aviation Law航空法
 Law on Industry Associations and Chambers of Commerce行业协会商会法
 Law on Promoting Ethnic Unity and Progress民族团结进步促进法
 Law on Protecting the Rights and Interests of Overseas Chinese华侨权益保护法
 Government Offices Administration Law机关事务管理法
🔵Detention Centers Law看守所法
 Judicial Authentication Law司法鉴定法
 Digital Economy Promotion Law数字经济促进法
🔵Social Credit Development Law社会信用建设法
 Law on Rewarding and Protecting Good Samaritans见义勇为人员奖励和保障法
🔵Cultural Industry Promotion Law文化产业促进法
 Historical Cultural Heritage Protection Law历史文化遗产保护法
🔵Radio and Television Law广播电视法
 Law on Strengthening Industrial Workforce产业工人队伍建设法
🔵Healthcare Security Law医疗保障法
 Medical Devices Administration Law医疗器械管理法
 Childcare Service Law托育服务法
 Eldercare Service Law养老服务法
 Household Registration Law户籍法
 Law on Preventing and Controlling Electromagnetic Radiation Pollution电磁辐射污染防治法
 Law of the Sea海洋法
 National Reserves Security Law国家储备安全法
 Militia Law民兵法
🔵Natural Disasters Prevention and Control Law自然灾害防治法
 Cybercrime Prevention and Control Law网络犯罪防治法

Unlisted Projects

🟢Decision on Improving and Strengthening the System of Recording and Review关于完善和加强备案审查制度的决定

Amendments & Revisions

* Method of modification not yet known

Category I Projects

🟢Legislation Law (Amendment)立法法(修正)
🟢Counterespionage Law (Revision)反间谍法(修订)
🟢Administrative Reconsideration Law (Revision)行政复议法(修订)
🟢Civil Procedure Law (Amendment)民事诉讼法(修正)
🟢Marine Environmental Protection Law (Revision)海洋环境保护法(修订)
🟢Company Law (Revision)公司法(修订)
🟢Charity Law (Amendment)慈善法(修正)
🟢Criminal Law Amendment (XII)刑法修正案(十二)
🟢Law on Guarding State Secrets (Revision)保守国家秘密法(修订)
🟢State Council Organic Law (Revision)国务院组织法(修订)
🟠Public Security Administration Punishments Law (Revision)治安管理处罚法(修订)
🟠Cultural Relics Protection Law (Revision)文物保护法(修订)
🟠Law on Preventing and Controlling Infectious Diseases (Revision)传染病防治法(修订)
🟠Law on Oversight by the Standing Committees of People’s Congresses (Amendment)各级人民代表大会常务委员会监督法(修正)
🟠Border Health and Quarantine Law (Revision)国境卫生检疫法(修订)
🟠Mineral Resources Law (Revision)矿产资源法(修订)
🟠Accounting Law (Amendment)会计法(修正)
🟠Anti–Money Laundering Law (Revision)反洗钱法(修订)
🟠National Defense Education Law (Revision)国防教育法(修订)
 Law on the State-Owned Assets of Enterprises企业国有资产法*
 Enterprise Bankruptcy Law (Revision)企业破产法(修订)
🔵Anti–Unfair Competition Law (Revision)反不正当竞争法(修订)
🔵Certified Public Accountants Law (Revision)注册会计师法(修订)
🔵Law on the People’s Bank of China (Revision)中国人民银行法(修订)
🔵Commercial Banks Law (Revision)商业银行法(修订)
🔵Insurance Law (Revision)保险法(修订)
🔵Railway Law (Revision)铁路法(修订)
🔵Product Quality Law (Revision)产品质量法(修订)
🔵Metrology Law (Revision)计量法(修订)
 Agriculture Law农业法*
 Foreign Trade Law (Revision)对外贸易法(修订)
🔵Maritime Law (Revision)海商法(修订)
🔵Customs Law (Revision)海关法(修订)
🔵Tax Collection Administration Law (Revision)税收征收管理法(修订)
 Law on the Delegates to the National People’s Congress and Local People’s Congresses全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会代表法*
🔵Urban Residents’ Committees Organic Law (Revision)城市居民委员会组织法(修订)
🔵Villagers’ Committees Organic Law (Revision)村民委员会组织法(修订)
 State Compensation Law国家赔偿法*
 Lawyers Law (Revision)律师法(修订)
🔵Arbitration Law (Revision)仲裁法(修订)
 Prisons Law (Revision)监狱法(修订)
 Criminal Procedure Law刑事诉讼法*
🔵Teachers Law (Revision)教师法(修订)
🔵Science and Technology Popularization Law (Revision)科学技术普及法(修订)
 Law on the Standard Spoken and Written Chinese Language国家通用语言文字法*
🔵Road Traffic Safety Law (Revision)道路交通安全法(修订)
 Entry-Exit Animals and Plants Quarantine Law (Amendment)进出境动植物检疫法(修正)
 Renewable Energy Law可再生能源法*
 Officers in Active Service Law现役军官法*
 Cybersecurity Law网络安全法*

Category II Projects

🟠Statistics Law (Amendment)统计法(修正)
🔵Civil Aviation Law (Revision)民用航空法(修订)
 Intangible Cultural Heritage Law非物质文化遗产法*
 Law on Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters防震减灾法*
🔵Bid Invitation and Bidding Law (Revision)招标投标法(修订)
🔵Government Procurement Law (Revision)政府采购法(修订)
 Budget Law预算法*
 Pricing Law价格法*
🔵Trademarks Law (Revision)商标法(修订)
🔵Banking Supervision and Administration Law (Revision)银行业监督管理法(修订)
 Electricity Law电力法*
🔵Fisheries Law (Revision)渔业法(修订)
 Notarization Law公证法*
 Special Maritime Procedure Law海事诉讼特别程序法*
 Social Insurance Law社会保险法*
 Meteorology Law气象法*
 Tourism Law旅游法*
 Water Law水法*
 Energy Conservation Law节约能源法*
 Civil Air Defense Law人民防空法*
 National Defense Mobilization Law国防动员法*
 National Defense Transportation Law国防交通法*
 Flood Control Law防洪法*
 Exit-Entry Administration Law出境入境管理法*
 Firearms Control Law枪支管理法*
 Narcotics Control Law禁毒法*
🔵People’s Police Law (Revision)人民警察法(修订)
 Regulations on the Police Ranks of the People’s Police人民警察警衔条例*

Unlisted Projects

🟢Code of Conduct for Constituent NPCSC Members (Revision)全国人民代表大会常务委员会组成人员守则(修订)